Heinz Lubenau

Heinz Lubenau

Company: NEC Bio Therapeutics

Job title: Chief Executive Officer


Combining DNA Cancer Vaccines with Checkpoint Inhibitors to Induce an Immune Response in the Tumor & Have a Positive Patient Response 2:30 pm

Enhancing the efficacy of DNA cancer vaccines using checkpoint inhibitors as standard of care to induce a strong immune response Exploring self-adjuvanted therapies with personalized cancer vaccines for best patient response Employing a double-edged sword of checkpoint inhibitors and the high peptide capability of DNA-based cancer vaccines as effective therapiesRead more

day: Conference Day One

Roundtable Discussion: Redefining the Scale of Personalized Cancer Vaccine Manufacture as Fast & Cost-Effective Treatments 11:00 am

How to reimagine the large-scale drug development pipeline to small-scale for highquality personalized cancer vaccines How to evaluate the turnaround time required to create the most effective personalized cancer vaccines How can the cost of personalized cancer vaccines be reduced by efficient sequencing and better bioinformatics?Read more

day: Pre-Conference Focus Day

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